Today I have submitted a new paper to the arXiv, but because I expect them to reject it, I am posting it here, at It is rather technical, and mathematical, but that is unfortunately unavoidable, since what the paper really does is provide mathematical reasons, based on fundamental physical principles, for some things I wrote three years ago, in That paper was also rejected by the arxiv, and by the journal I sent it to, without being seriously considered in either case. I have just re-read that paper, expecting that I would find it excruciating and full of nonsense. But that is not what I found. What I found is that it says more or less exactly what the new paper says about gravity, and talks a lot of sense about physics in general, but includes very little of what the new paper says about particle physics.
The old paper was really a discussion of why the Lorentz group is inconsistent with the known properties of spin of electrons and photons, and why the group needs to be replaced by a different group. The replacement I proposed three years ago is the same replacement that I propose in the new paper. But the justification provided in the new paper is stronger, because it is shown to be consistent both with the standard model of particle physics, and with general relativity.
The paper is written in the language of E8, because I really want to persuade the E8 crowd that this is a better way to look at E8 than the myriad of other ways that they have tried. But I am still not totally convinced that E8 is necessary for this exercise. As far as I can see, what is needed is SU(3,3), a group of type A5, which already contains the Riemann Curvature Tensor. On the other hand, to get three generations of electrons I seem to need to extend to E6. And when I do extend to E6, I get the Einstein Field Equations as well. That seems to be important. Because I don’t get the Einstein Field Equations if I only have one generation of electrons.
And if I do include all three generations, then I get an extension of the Einstein Field Equations from 10 equations to 20, in twice as many variables. So extending to three generations not only reproduces General Relativity, but also provides a physical mechanism by which the gravitational field can propagate, and corrects GR for neutrino oscillations. Well, you know, I’ve said all this before, and I know I will say it again, but I’m getting tired of casting pearls before swine (not you, obviously, you know which swine I mean).